All members please be advised of the upcoming North Gold Coast Seahawks Basketball Inc Special General Meeting.
Date: Saturday April 23rd 2022 Time: 11am Where: Southport Yacht Club (Meeting Room) – 1 MacArthur Parade, Main Beach , 4217
Business to be conducted at this meeting:
Motion to adopt the amended Constitution
Notes regarding amendments: After working with requests from the Associations Branch Clubs, along with continually looking to improve governance on the advice and recommendation of our governing body Basketball QLD, some changes have been made to the constitution noted: Amendment to point 25.9
Additions of 27.7 and 27.7 Additions of an Addendum set of constitution rules to simplify governance for the current four Branch Clubs (Clippers, Wildcats, Hurricanes and Pelicans) encompassing all of Part 12 from page 30 onward.
Please direct any questions to
Should a member wish to appoint a proxy the proxy must be lodged with the secretary 7 days prior on the prescribed form.
Deadline for proxy’s to be lodged is 5pm April 16th 2022. To download a proxy form, click below.