It is with great excitement that we announce the signing of veteran point guard, Ryan Vines, for the NBL1 North 2022 competition.

Turning 31 this year and with a mountain of State League games under his belt, Vines is exactly what the young Seahawks Men’s team need – composure, experience and leadership.
Snagging the Southwest Pirate away from his junior club was no mean feat, but head coach Luke McGuire is pumped to have Vines as his veteran leader for the NBL1 North campaign.
“We lacked a bit of senior leadership within our group, which made Vinesy a key signing for us this off season,” said McGuire.
“He has been a quality point guard in this competition for a long time, so his experience to support his younger guards in Mudronja, Krause and McVeigh will be imperative to what our team needs”
“He’s also looking rejuvenated after a big couple of years, with a move to Melbourne and back, and a side business venture, so I think he is keen on a big year.”
Vines is keen for a fresh start with the competition’s newest team.
“Sitting with Luke, I knew halfway through the meeting that I was keen to be on the journey with the Seahawks this season,” said Vines.
“It was a tough decision to make the change from the Pirates, but I just wanted a fresh start and that’s something I’m going to get here at North Gold Coast”
“The vision Luke and Brad (Kann) have for the overall NBL1 program is something that excites me and I’m ready to get to work for this season already”
Check out some of Ryan's 2021 NBL1 Highlights below: